Mary is a first-year graduate law student at the University of Edinburgh. She aspires to use her legal career to contribute to improving animal welfare standards and promote education of animal law. We commend her on the recent development of her A-law Student Chapter at Edinburgh University. You can find the new chapter on Instagram at: @uoealaw, on Twitter: @UoEALAW and on Facebook at: uoealawstudentchapter
What are you studying and where?
I am currently studying Graduate Entry LLB Law at the University of Edinburgh.
Why did you want to become a Student Ambassador?
When I became interested in animal law, A-law was the first organisation I came across. I have loved being a member ever since, attending events, reading blog posts, and generally keeping up to date with the information that A-law shares. Becoming a Student Ambassador was the perfect step to take to increase my involvement, and it fills me with excitement to be part of something I feel so passionate about!
Why did you create a Student Chapter?
I really wanted to introduce A-law to the University of Edinburgh in a collective way, and one that would encourage involvement and collaboration. I absolutely love meeting people with the same passion for animal welfare and law as me, and so this is the perfect opportunity to develop a little community within the Uni.
Do you think this is an important role for the development of animal law?
Without a doubt! We current students are the upcoming professionals, lawyers, policy-makers. We have the opportunity to make a change, and to start now. The role also has introduced me to so many inspirational people in the field of animal law. It not only provides the opportunity to increase your involvement with A-law but also to learn, make connections, and develop a community that will continue beyond graduation.
What would you like to accomplish in your role?
Edinburgh is such a big institution and could definitely expand its offering of animal law courses, particularly on the LLB Law honours programme. I hope to make some positive change here. I would also love the chapter to continue after I graduate, and to introduce students to animal law who might otherwise not have heard about it. I am also so excited to host some events and amazing speakers, hopefully in person at a later date too.
Did you learn anything that was particularly surprising about animal law since becoming a Student Ambassador?
I have learned that the animal law community is more collaborative, passionate, and friendly than I could have imagined.
Do you know what you’d like to do post-graduation? Had your involvement with animal law impacted this yet?
I am aiming to qualify as a solicitor and develop my involvement with animal law alongside my career, with the wish of one day combining the two. My role and involvement with A-law has motivated me to achieve these goals more and instilled me with confidence. Being involved also keeps me engaged with what truly matters – the animals!