Warning: some listeners may find content distressing Dr Joe Wills from Leicester Law School, discusses the decision in Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België and Others. In this case, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that Member States could require pre-stunning of animals...
Warning: adult themes, not suitable for children ‘Where animals are abused, people are at risk and where people are abused, animals are at risk.’ That is the central message of this episode, in which we consider what can be learnt about domestic abuse and coercive control when we take...
The UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW) has released a free special edition of The UK Journal of Animal Law, which focuses on DEFRA’s recent ‘Action Plan for Animal Welfare’ and the UK Government’s Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill. Featuring contributions from members of our...
In this episode, A-LAW legal experts discuss two legal cases that made the headlines in 2020. Friends of Antique Cultural Treasures Ltd v DEFRA [2020] EWCA Civ 649, concerning a challenge to the legality of the Ivory Act 2018, and R (National Farmers Union & Anor) v Secretary of State for...
In this first full episode of the Talking Animal Law podcast, Paula Sparks (A-LAW Chairperson) talks about a career in animal law with Peter Stevenson, Chief Policy Advisor at Compassion in World Farming (CIWF). Peter is a qualified lawyer who has worked for nearly three decades in animal welfare....
A-LAW is delighted to introduce it’s brand new Talking Animal Law podcast, hosted by Paula Sparks. Every fortnight on a Wednesday evening we will upload a new episode of our podcast, in which Paula will speak to experts about the most topical animal law and policy issues. You can subscribe...
By Jenny Canham, Campaigns and Public Affairs Specialist, Animal Equality UK Animal Equality, a leading animal protection organisation, has joined with cross-party MP representatives to respond to DEFRA’s recent announcement of plans to implement a ban on foie gras imports ‘in the next few...
April 3 marked the second celebration of World Aquatic Animal Day, an occasion created by the Lewis & Clark Law School and its Aquatic Animal Law Initiative (AALI). The theme this year is ‘The Impact of Our Human Activities on Aquatic Animals’. Human activity impacts aquatic animals (fish and...
By Pablo P. Castelló, PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Royal Holloway University of London Philosopher Alasdair Cochrane has recently developed the notion of sentient rights, a system that would recognise all sentient animals as bearers of rights.i He interprets Peter Singer’s understanding of...
By Dr Iyan Offor, Law Lecturer & member of A-LAW Scottish Steering Committee Could Brexit provide the stimulus needed for the UK Government to implement mandatory method of production labelling for animal products (like it already does for eggs)? There is certainly hope, with ongoing...
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