By Rob Espin What follows is a summary abstract of a longer article from our latest edition of the UK Journal of Animal Law, available to members of the UK Centre for Animal Law. If you would like to read the full article as well as articles about wildlife welfare and animal law in general, more...
Review by Alia De Bellotte, student at The University of Law Orcapedia is a recent work from environmental activist and prolific writer Captain Paul Watson, who is the founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Sea Shepherd, the marine...
By Sophie Lunn, student at Nottingham Trent University Covid-19, the human illness caused by the novel virus SARS-COV-2, has been causing worry and disruption since it first emerged. Attention immediately turned...
Review by Paula Sparks ‘This edited collection brings together internationally renowned scholars to explore green criminology through the interdisciplinary lenses of power, harm and justice.’[1] A book you might expect to find on the shelves of environmental campaigners, but this collection of...
Review by Julie Elizabeth Boyd The book Survival or Extinction? is dedicated to an animal named Sudan: “For Sudan, the last male northern white rhino, who, unlike so many other rhinos, was fortunate enough to pass away peacefully, in the company of loving friends and carers.” Many of us...
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