Essays should be no more than 1,500 words long. The competition is open to all students during any stage of their studies. Submissions should be reasonably compliant with OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities). If you have any questions, please email...
Comms / Social Media Coordinator We’re looking for someone to oversee the public face of the network. You’ll need to be experienced with social media platforms, have a good eye for design and be engaged in what’s going on across the network. We estimate the time commitment for this role is more...
Events Coordinator This role will entail overseeing all events; from leading ideas sessions with the committee to come up with event ideas, to implementing some of those ideas. You’ll need to be organised, enthusiastic, and be a good team leader. The time commitment of this role is flexible and...
Network Coordinator We are seeking someone who can oversee all the various elements of the network, keep everyone working together with a strategic focus. You will need to be engaged, confident and organised. We expect the time commitment for this role to be little and often, with additional time...
Trophy Hunting Trophy hunting is the practice of killing animals for sport and then keeping parts or all of the dead animal and the hunters displaying these as “trophies”. The UK does not currently have a blanket ban on the importation or exportation of hunting trophies. The main...
Starting a Student Chapter If you are interested in forming an A-LAW Student Chapter, please email [email protected] to discuss the process of setting up a Chapter! You should read the role of the Student Ambassador as well on the ‘Become a Student Ambassador’ tab. As a Student...
Student Members Join our efforts to raise the profile of animal law around UK campuses by joining our Student Group today! Advantages of membership include: Free e-copy of Journal of Animal Law (worth £35 p.a); Free or discounted registration for A-LAW events and training; A-LAW volunteering...
Starting a Student Chapter If you are interested in forming an A-Law Student Chapter, please email [email protected] to discuss the process of setting up a chapter! You should read the role of the Student Ambassador as well on the ‘Become a Student Ambassador’ tab, as a Student...
Register for our Moot! Unfortunately, we will not be hosting the Cecilia Moot for 2023. We are very sorry for any disappointment or inconvenience caused by this decision. If you have questions, please email [email protected]. You can register your interest to be notified on the next tab...
Get involved in A-LAW at university Join our efforts to raise the profile of animal law around UK campuses by becoming a Student Ambassador or starting your own Student Chapter! We have many Student Ambassadors throughout the UK, who you can meet below. Even if there is already an Ambassador on...
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