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Animal Law News

The latest news and views about animal protection law and policy in the UK and beyond. Written by our volunteer team and guest contributors. 

Hen harrier brood management in England

Hen harrier brood management in England

By Luke Steele, Masters student at the University of Bradford, Managing Director and Spokesperson of Ban Bloodsports on Yorkshire’s Moors At first glance, the Hen Harrier Recovery Plan (DEFRA, 2016)...

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The fight against Canada’s horse meat trade

The fight against Canada’s horse meat trade

By Francesca Nicholls, BPTC student The Canadian Horse Defence Coalition (‘CHDC’), a collective organisation of people and national groups, has lobbied since 2012 to ban the transport and export of...

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The role of beavers in UK ecosystems

The role of beavers in UK ecosystems

By Sophie Lunn The Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber), formerly a native inhabitant of Britain, became locally extinct in the 16th century due to anthropogenic persecution and the...

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farmed fish amro hussain
animal law week 2023
A legal Insight into the impact of factory farming on human health
Declaring wild animals as ‘vermin’: The right approach to resolving animal-human conflict?
Celebrity culture and its impact on animal law reform
A summary review of Edith Barabash’s presentation ‘From the courtroom to the farm: What we learn from cows’
The troubling case of non-stun slaughter: A comment on the Opinion of Advocate General Hogan in Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België and Others
Pets can now be buried with their owners in certain parts of Italy
Hen harrier brood management in England
From Victorians to the modern day: The truth about UK Tiger Kings
Book Review: ‘What can Animal Law Learn from Environmental Law?’ by Randall S Abate
Animal rights and personhood: Past, present and future
Bureau rejects Scottish Wildcat Haven Bern Convention complaint
National Pitbull Awareness Day: A perspective on our relationship with pitbull types and legal controls
As more countries ban the cruel events of rodeos, others refuse
North Carolina’s Ag-Gag law declared unconstitutional
Book review: ‘Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach’ by Gary Francione
Court to cats’ rescue: Animal rights during lockdown
Changes to regulations regarding emotional support animals on airplanes
The fight against Canada’s horse meat trade
Human-Animal Relationship Awareness Week: UK no-pet clauses
R (on the application of Highbury Poultry Farm Produce Ltd) (appellant) v Crown Prosecution Service (respondent) UKSC [2020] 39
Islamabad High Court decision in Kaavan case
Changes in Wuhan: A temporary reprieve for the wildlife of China?
The role of beavers in UK ecosystems
Book review: ‘Lucy’s Law’ by Marc Abraham
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